Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March of Kindness.

People that know me know I tend to be on the cynical side..
I love to help others, I genuinely care for everyone (but I do go by the fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me Chinese Proverb) I like doing random acts of kindness whenever I can with Strangers, I am known to let you go ahead of me if you only have a couple of items at the store or opening the door for you. Giving money to those who seem to genuinely need it, contacting a manager over awesome customer service and not just to complain about bad one.. etc. I am known to help friends in need reaching out to them before they even ask.

However I am reluctant in participating in things just because everyone is doing it. I am the sort of person who doesn't post something that I am grateful for on my facebook status  in November because darn it I have all year to do it! . I am like a stubborn old man. .. However Code name Mama's March of kindness struck a chord with me..

I often am kind to strangers and friends more than I am with my own family and that is really sad.

Of course I do things like be gentle, cook, clean  etc.. but some days I feel if this were a paying job I am doing just enough to not get fired.. and enough to be indispensable, but nothing too astonishing or praise worthy.

That has to change!

I want to participate in hopes that I will learn from this experience and that my family gets an even better side of me.

For this Month  I will be concentrating on

Kindness to my children and my daytime children
Kindness to my spouse
kindness to my family
Kindness to the people in my everyday life that I take for granted (i.e postal worker, neighbors <--maybe I only like one lol...  stores I frequent.. my husband's co-workers and supervisors, that awesome dude at my local bank who always hooks it up etc)

I do not know how often I will be posting about this but I hope it is often.

Today I want to be kind to my spouse, yesterday I was sick and I called him crying at work and he dropped everything to come take care of me, the baby and the daytime kids.. he shuttled them all to school, he went to the store for whatever I needed and he never complained.  I think I owe him some kindness. :)

Thank you Code Name: Mama for such a delightful idea!


  1. love itm and I am stealing one of your pics for the post I am about to write hehehe <3

  2. Thank YOU for spreading the love! (And that first picture is adorable, is that yours??)

    I am also going to try very hard to focus on my hubby and kiddo this month - that can only bring more love into my life, so there's a selfish motive :)

  3. Those are some great goals. Like you, I don't like to participate in things just because everyone else is doing it. And, also, like you, Code Name: Mama's MOK struck a chord with me and I'm participating as well. I look forward to checking in with you for the rest of the month to see what your experiences are.



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